On life's journey we all travel on roads of many kinds. There are times when the road is smooth and straight and we can see for miles. Life is good, all is well and peace and contentment abound. How grateful we are for those easily traveled roads, and how easy it is to take them for granted. At other times, however, we may find ourselves on a road with dangerously crumbling edges, sudden, sharp twists and turns, deep potholes and steep, seemingly insurmountable hills to climb. It is in those times that we struggle with every ounce of our physical and emotional being to hold on tight to the steering wheel to stay on the road. Traveling such roads brings us quickly to the end of our selves and causes us to fall into the arms of our waiting Father. It is during those times when life seems our of control and is filled with hurt, pain, sadness, and hopelessness that God carries us. It is in His arms that we find hope, peace and the strength to travel the difficult roads. Over the past week we have rejoiced with a sweet friend on the cancer journey who after many obstacles and hurdles seems to be finally on the road to recovery. While sharing in the joy of this friend's journey we have also shared tears with a very special friend who has just been diagnosed with cancer and our hearts have ached with still another dear one who's raging battle for health and life appears to be without hope. We don't know why and it is often difficult to understand the purpose and plan God has for allowing us to journey certain roads of life. We do however, in faith believe that God is with us every step of the way, meeting every need. We recently were introduced to the following song that so beautifully articulates our belief that Jesus is our healer and portion. He so lovingly and graciously holds us in the palm of his hand, healing and providing on every level...emotionally, physically and spiritually. May you too be encouraged today as you journey whatever road life has you on, that no matter what your need is, nothing is impossible with Him!
Thank you for praying in advance with us over the last few weeks for Kate's upcoming MRI. We have known peace and when those nagging fears and doubts have surfaced they have only been momentary, as Father quickly takes hold of them and replaces them with His perfect peace. Thank you for continuing to pray for Kate and her MRI this coming Monday, April 14th. The MRI is scheduled for 10:15 am with a clinic visit to follow at 1:00.
You may enjoy going on line and listening to this song:
You're My Healer
Planet Shakers
You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You
I trust in You
I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need
My Healer, You're my Healer
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands
Labels: You're My Healer