Dillon's Dialogue

You are spirit filled believers that call upon His name for comfort, peace, hope, and healing. "...But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." I Corinthians 15:57

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Update from Elaine

Dear Friends and Family,

The first words that come to mind in describing yesterday and today are "amazing grace".
That says it best. Kate and I have marveled at the peaceful way the day has passed and the peacefulness that has filled our hearts and minds. Truly amazing and absolutely God's grace!

Chemo was to have begun between 10:00 and 11:00 this morning. But hospital time is hosptial time:) We finally got underway at 1:00. Kate is receiving a continuous IV of anti nausea medication simultaneously with the chemo (this illustrates the advantage of having a broviac with two lines running into the body). Towards the end of the first chemo (carboplatin) she felt a little nausea but it soon passed. We just finished the second chemo (thiotepa) and are getting ready for the second of three special baths to keep the toxicities from the thiotepa from being irritating Kate's skin. I told Kate she may turn into a prune or in reality dry up and flake away, as she is not allowed any lotions on her skin.

~Praise for a good night's rest. Can you believe we actually slept until 8:00 am in a hospital?!?!
~Praise that things were so smooth and peaceful that we both enjoyed an afternoon nap during the first chemo.
~Praise that Kate and I have felt relaxed and peaceful, free of anxiety throughout the day.
~Praise that Kate has been virtually nausea free! When the stem cell doctor came in to check on her early this evening, he was thrilled to see that she felt good enough to be sitting up and facing the hospital food with a smile on her face:) Kate is being a trooper and doing the best she can with the bland hospital food that is specially prepared for transplant patients. She is not allowed any outside food from restaurants due to the food safety guidelines for transplant patients.
~Praise the Maggie's hospital strep culture also came back negative.

I hope that all of you will be encouraged and strengthened in your faith as you see and hear and marvel with me at the countless answers to prayer that have been evidenced in Kate's life as a result of your storming the gates of heaven with your prayers on her behalf. You,our friends and family, around the world are carrying the corners of her mat, taking her to before Jesus every hour of the day and night. We can rest because of your laboring on your knees.
Thank you!

We are going to relax and enjoy watching Pride and Predjudice - a favorite of the Dillon girls.
Is it not amazing that in the midst of a rigorous chemo regiment that we are going to curl up and enjoy a movie?! God is full of grace and mercy!

Amazed by grace,


  • At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am just in awe of God's grace in our time of need. He is faithful!!!

  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    God's grace is with you during this time of treatment. He is an AWESOME GOD. I love you all.

  • At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This update brings tears to my eyes, not sad tears, but the kind that may have been in your eyes as you wrote it, Elaine. I don't know all they held but they definitely held gratitude for the little gifts you all are receiving from a loving Father and great God. I know too that He is pleased that his daughters are receiving His gifts with peace and joy. We love you all! Laura

  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Our God is an AWESOME God. Providence continues to lift you up in prayer. You are an inspiration of strength and grace. We are with you in spirit and prayer.

    Pastor Andy

  • At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Elaine, Kate, Maggie & family,

    Thank You so much for sharing the blessings you are experiencing with us. It is truly an amazing testimony to what prayer and faith in God can accomplish. We are so happy for all of you to hear the wonderful news that you are forwarding to us about Kate and the God driven powers of healing that have taken place in her body. May God Bless and watch over you all. Our thoughts and prayers for you are continuing.

    Jim, Debbie, & Cory

  • At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Dillon Girls, I am so excited to share your last posts with all those down here in Oklahoma. We all love you in His love! Susan


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